Parker movie information

Parker is a 2013 American crime thriller film directed by Taylor Hackford. Starring Jason Statham and Jennifer Lopez, the film is based on Donald E. Westlake's novel Flashfire.
 Parker movie Cast and crow
Directed by Taylor Hackford
Produced by
  • Les Alexander
  • Steven Chasman
  • Taylor Hackford
  • Sidney Kimmel
  • Jonathan Mitchell
Screenplay by John J. McLaughlin
Based on Flashfire by
Donald E. Westlake
  • Jason Statham
  • Jennifer Lopez
Cinematography J. Michael Muro
  • Incentive Filmed Entertainment
  • Sierra Pictures
  • Sidney Kimmel Entertainment
Distributed by FilmDistrict
Release date(s)
  • January 25, 2013
Running time 118 minutes
Country United States
Language English
Budget $30 million

Posted by kathyneil Wednesday 5 December 2012


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